Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 bring faster on-device Siri with health data access

Apple’s latest model Apple Watches, the Series 9 and Ultra 2, finally bring Siri where it should be–on your watch (called on device) instead of on the cloud! That means Siri is both faster and more secure.

With the introduction of on-device processing, Siri also gets access to your health and activity data (from the Apple Health app) and keeps that data private on your watch.

This is all thanks to Apple’s newest S9 chip’s four-core Neural Engine used on both the Ultra 2 and Series 9 models.

With these latest models, you won’t need an internet connection to use Siri for requests that don’t need information from the internet. And consequently, Siri isn’t slowed down.

So, there are no more bandwidth issues when asking Siri to start a timer, outdoor walk or run, check your heart rate, daily step count, or even get info from connected smart devices like your glucose or blood pressure monitors.

With Siri working on your watch instead of the cloud, requests are fast even when you’re away from your iPhone or not connected to cellular/WiFi. 

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Use on-device Siri to log your health data Apple Watch Siri and Health data

With Siri using your watch to process data, you can also ask Siri to do things like log that you took your medications and supplements at a specific time, note your most recent weight, or that you started your period for cycle tracking.

And because you use Siri, you don’t need to open your apps to log this health information–Siri does it for you. We love how easy it is to stay on track using Siri to log this important health information.Apple Watch log important health info with Siri
We see this feature as a game changer for a lot of people and their loved ones who keep track of health conditions and, in particular, medication adherence.

You can also ask Siri about information from smart devices that sync to Apple Health–such as your recent blood pressure reading or blood glucose numbers from a smart CGM monitor. On-device processing keeps that personal and private health information secure.

Siri on-device requests for health data are available on Apple Watch Series 9+ or Ultra 2+ and, unfortunately, are not available for earlier Apple Watch models.

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A. Beth Whittenberger
I started my love affair with computers way back in elementary school with the Apple II. Since then, I've worked with technology in my career as a media educator and videomaker. I have an MFA in media making from Temple University, where I also taught undergrads as an adjunct faculty member. Additionally, I was a writer, content producer, and editor on the popular tech blog AppleToolBox. So I know a thing or two about teaching others and creating how-to guides! After a cancer diagnosis, I turned to mobile technology like my Apple Watch to help me monitor my health throughout my chemotherapy treatment and later, to regain my wellness once in remission. I love sharing how to understand and use mobile tech, like smartwatches and phones, as a tool for empowerment to live our best and healthiest lives! Connect with me on LinkedIn!


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