Mayo Clinic is launching a new study in collaboration with Withings to evaluate Withings sleep tracking mat as a device for diagnosing obstructive sleep apnea.
Nearly 3 million people in the US suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. In adults, the most common cause of obstructive sleep apnea is excess weight and obesity, which is associated with the mouth and throat’s soft tissue. When the throat and tongue muscles are more relaxed during sleep, this soft tissue can cause the airway to become blocked.
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One of the main symptoms of this type of apnea is breathing disturbances.
The sleep tracking mat from Withings introduced new functionality recently that allows users to track breathing disturbances.
Along with built-in snoring detection, Withings sleep monitor can monitor the intensity of breathing disturbances. The new algorithms analyze interruptions in breathing patterns that occur during the night, providing users with the ability to study these pauses’ intensity.
The new Mayo Clinic study will compare the Withings sleep tracking mat with a Peripheral Arterial Tonometry Device.
If the estimates of sleep-disordered breathing from Withings sleep tracking mat are medically equivalent to currently accepted home sleep apnea test devices within clinically important ranges of sleep-disordered breathing, it may have several benefits.
This study is designed to help answer several important clinical questions, namely, the new device clinically equivalent to an established HSAT device for patients with moderately severe OSA. What is the effect of multiple nights on the classification of severity and presence of OSA.
The study will enroll 60 participants who are already using WatchPAT and will be completed in September 2021
The Withings Sleep tracking mat provides an in-depth look at your sleep by monitoring sleep cycles, tracking heart rate, sleep coaching program, sleep quality assessments, and detecting snoring.
An easy one-time setup and automatic sync to the Withings Health Mate app via Wi-FI. You can also use the IFTTT integration for dimming lights or turning up your thermostat when you get up.
The app also provides you with a Sleep score that you can use and benchmark your score against averages set up according to a Withings study.
Source: Clinical study evaluating an under-mattress sleep monitor