Former Apple Health Technology leader joins Verily as Chief Product Officer

Verily Chief Product officer formerly at Apple

The former head of Apple Health Strategic Initiatives, Myoung Cha as joined Verily as the Chief Product Officer. The announcement was shared via his LinkedIn post this morning. 

Myoung and his team at Apple launched several products with partners like Singapore Health and Aetna to personalize nudges with data from the Apple Watch and medical records that led to sustained behavior changes and drove preventative health campaigns.

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According to Myoung, Data in healthcare is siloed today and this makes it challenging to draw insights longitudinally about a patient. Given how episodic our healthcare system is, we often don’t collect the right type of data about patients to generate relevant insights — dark matter about someone’s health status that wearable devices and novel diagnostics could shine a light on, leading to earlier detection about a health condition or more proactive management of an existing one. 

This model of deep and frequent phenotyping is one that Verily has championed for years.

Verily has been working on different products and platforms in the health technology space, particularly precision health, for some time now. More recently, the company was instrumental in assisting a medical device company with engineering the smallest, most discreet continuous Glucose Monitoring system that received FDA clearance.

The company has also promoted its Studywatch, a wearable, that is being used in numerous clinical trials.

We look forward to seeing some exciting product and platform announcements in the coming year beyond Onduo. Verily Onduo is a virtual care management solution for people living with type 1 or 2 diabetes and hypertension.


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