Apple Fitness+ adds workout filters by Body Focus, Trainer, Music and equipment in iOS 15

The latest iOS 15 Beta finally fulfills a much-needed feature request from Apple Fitness+ subscribers and fans.

The Fitness app now not only shows filters for exercise equipment and targeted area but you can filter the workouts by Trainer, Time and Music.

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This will allow users to filter out specific Apple Fitness+ workouts by allowing them to choose which body area they want to target. For example, you can filter out all the ‘Upper body’ related workouts or Filter all workouts that require ‘Dumbbels’ for the workout.

You can use ‘No Equipment’ as a filter to only check out the workout videos that do not need any specialized exercise equipment.

Here is how you filter workouts in Apple Fitness+

  1. Open Apple Fitness app and navigate to the Fitness+ tab
  2. From the top, select a category for the workout. You can choose between:Filter workouts in Apple Fitness+
    1. HIIT
    2. Yoga
    3. Core
    4. Strength
    5. Treadmill
    6. Cycling
    7. Rowing and more
  3. Now on the next screen, tap on Filter buttonHow to Filter Apple Fitness+ workouts
  4. Make your selections using the filter presetsApple Fitness+ filter workouts by body focus , time, trainer and more
  5. In this example, we selected ‘Upper Body’ focussed  Strength workouts that use dumbbells and use Hip/Hop Music.
  6. This will show you all the workouts that meet your criteriaFilter Apple Fitness plus workouts by criteria

Tap on ‘Clear All’ at the top to reset all the filters.

You can also sort the workouts now by music, time, trainer or most recent workouts to see the new workouts that were released by Apple.Apple Fitness+ Time to walk season 1 highlights

Apple Fitness+ also released the new season for its popular ‘Time to Walk’ series. If you have not checked out the new content, feel free to check it out. If you are new to Apple Fitness+, you can check out the ‘Season 1 Highlights’ from Time to Walk.

Now, If we can get support for Multiple users and curated schedules, Apple Fitness+ will become even more feature-rich and useful for its subscribers.

What are some of the features that you would like to see in Apple Fitness+? Please let us know using the comments below.


  1. I have been using Apple Fitness since May and is clear that Apple wants to learn how to walk before they start running. I would love to be able to see the following:
    – programs curated to hit specific targets. Ie 5k run, half marathon, ect
    – longer workouts
    – ability to schedule workouts
    – ability to filter out workouts already completed
    – be able to compare workouts already completed, to see if you did better/worse
    – get more clarity as to what a workout is targeting, IE strength, what muscles
    I’m sure I have more, but these are the ones that come to mind at the moment.



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